I truly thought this blog would have been further along with a post here and there, an attempt at designing this blog and adding photo's. Life has a way of being unpredictable and we just have to roll with the waves and pick our priorities.
I finally picked up a needle and finished the applique block for the auction quilt that the Paradise Appliquer's are working on. I will turn that in tomorrow at the meeting. Next project is to finish up the Heart Blocks from the Country Wedding Quilt that I am working on for my daughter. Down to five blocks.
A couple of months ago, there was a posting on the local Free Cycle Group regarding quilt books and magazines that were being given away. You can just bet that I replied to the post! I picked up the box that same day. I went through the box, kept a few and then passed on the rest to another quilter. The same lady is still cleaning out her sewing room and gave away scads of material. I was lucky recipient number three. Picked up two huge bags two weeks ago and finally got to go through them yesterday. There wasn't only material in the bags, but UFO's as well. I already put one of the tops together this afternoon. When I was sewing it, I was wondering why she didn't finish it? Did she get bored or did a better project come along?